(4)立体视觉结合深度卷积神经网络的行车环境感知技术研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,2019-2021, 主持
(6)面向应用需求的可见光与红外彩色融合图像综合质量评价(编号:61801517),国家自然科学基金,2018-2021, 排名第2
(7)“稀疏表示结合质量评价的多模生物特征识别研究”,(编号61305008),国家自然科学基金,2014-2016, 主持。
(8)“基于多层次视觉特征融合的多模态生物识别技术研究”,(编号ZR2011FQ018),山东省自然科学基金,2012-2015, 主持。
(9)“车载摄像动静目标实时识别与跟踪研究”,(编号11CX04054A),中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,2011-2013, 主持。
(11)“基于视觉特性的多模生物特征融合识别方法研究”,(编号60972146), 国家自然科学基金,主要参与人
(12)“结合人类视觉特性的多传感器图像融合方法研究”,(编号60602025), 国家自然科学基金,主要参与人
(3)基于AI+的油气储运工程专业研究生跨学科协同培养模式研究与实践, 山东省教改项目,2019-2022,参与
(1)LDVI-SLAM: a lightweight monocular visual-inertial SLAM system for dynamic environments based on motion constraints[J],Measurement Science and Technology,2024-9,(SCI三区,一作)
(2)HilbertSCNet: Self-attention networks for small target segmentation of aerial drone images[J],Applied Soft Computing,2024-01,(SCI二区,通讯作者)
(3)DCU-NET: Self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on densely connected U-shaped convolutional neural networks, Computers & Graphics,2023-02, DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2023.01.016 (SCI三区,通讯作者)
(4)Liqnet: A real-time monitoring network for two-phase flow patterns, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2023-01,DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.(SCI三区,通讯作者)
(5)Self-supervised monocular depth estimation based on combining convolution and multilayer perceptron, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2023-01, DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2022.105587(SCI二区,通讯作者)
(6)Identification of gas-liquid two-phase flow regime in pipelines with low liquid holdup based on ResNet1D-34, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation,2022-12, DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2022.102249(SCI三区,通讯作者)
(7)Object detection algorithm based on feature enhancement[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021.(SCI三区,通讯作者)
(8) Zero-watermarking algorithm in transform domain based on RGB channel and voting strategy,JOURNAL OF INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS,2020.(EI,通讯作者)
(9)Improved Convolutional Neural Network Based on Fast Exponentially Linear Unit Activation Function[J]. IEEE Access, 2019,(SCI二区,通讯作者)
(11)An efficient method to improve iris recognition performance based on multi-level fusion, 2012 International Workshop on Image Processing and Optical Engineering. January 9-10, Harbin, China, 2012 (EI,一作)
(12) Wang Fenghua, Meng Wenjie, Zhang Xinman. Iris Recognition Based on Multiinstance Fusion at the feature level, International Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Engineering. December 3-4, China,pp64-67,2011(EI,一作)
(13) Wang FH, Han JQ. Information fusion in personal biometric authentication based on iris pattern[J], Measurement Science and Technology, 20(4):501-510, 2009 (SCI三区,一作)
(14)Wang FH, Han JQ. Multimodal biometric authentication based on score level fusion using support vector machine[J], Opto-Electronics Review, 17(1): 59-64, 2009 (SCI二区,一作)
(15)Wang FH, Han JQ. Robust multimodal biometric authentication integrating iris, face and palmprint[J], Information Technology and Control, 37(4):326-332,2008 (SCI三区,一作)
(16)Wang FH, Yao XH, Han JQ. Improving Iris Recognition Performance via Multiinstance Fusion at the Score Level[J], Chinese Optic Letters, 6(11): 824-826, 2008 (SCI四区,一作)