英文安博注册,安博(中国)列表与引用情况见 DBLP 和Google Scholar。
1.Jiuyun Xu, lele Liu, Ruru Zhang, Jin Xie, Qiang Duan, and Leyi Shi, IFTS: A Location Privacy Protection Method based on Initial and Finial Trajectory Segmentation IEEE Access 2021 Volume 9, Pages 18112-18122. (Early version received by The 12th International Conference on Service Science (ICSS 2019) Best paper Award Tianjin, May 10-12, 2019. (SCI 二区)
2.Jie Liu, Jiuyun Xu*(Corresponding author), Ruru Zhang, and Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, A repairing missing activities approach with succession relation for event logs, Knowledge and Information Systems, 2021, 63:477-495. (SCI 三区)
3.Jiuyun Xu, Xiaoting Sun, Ruru Zhang, Hongliang Liang, Qiang Duan, Fog-cloud task scheduling of energy consumption optimization with deadline consideration, International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services. 2020, volume 7, Issues 4, DOI: 10.1504/ IJIMS.2020.110228. (EI 索引)
4.Jiuyun Xu Chao Zhang, Semantic Connection Set Based Massive RDF data Query Processing in Spark Environment accepted by EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking , to be published (SCI四区)
6.Xu, J.; Hao, Z.; Sun, X. Optimal Offloading Decision Strategies and Their Influence Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing. Sensors 2019, 19, 3231. (SCI 三区文章,影响因子:3.57)
7.Jiuyun Xu, Jie Liu, A Profile Clustering Based Event Logs Repairing Approach for Process Mining, in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 17872-17881, 2019. (SCI 二区文章,影响因子:3.57)doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2894905
8.Jiuyun Xu, Xiaoting Sun, Ruru Zhang, Hongliang Liang, Qiang Duan, Fog-cloud task scheduling of energy consumption optimization with deadline consideration[J]. Accepted by International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services.
9.Jiuyun Xu, Chao Guan, Xiangrui Xu, (2019) Energy-Efficiency for Smartphones Using Interaction Link Prediction in Mobile Cloud Computing. In: Sun Y., Lu T., Xie X., Gao L., Fan H. (eds) Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. ChineseCSCW 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 917. Springer, Singapore
10.Jiuyun Xu, Shuang Liu, Xiaoxuan Lu, Li Li, Hongliang Liang, Qiang Duan, Runjie Liu, A Temporal Adaptive Access Mechanism for Data Fusion in an IoT Environment. Sensors 2018, 18, 4205. (SCI 三区文章)。
11.徐九韵,管超,江丹一种面向信誉主观性和时变性的云服务信任管理方法,北京邮电大学学报 2017年10月第40卷第5期(EI索引)
15.徐九韵,迟焕醒,江丹等. 一种基于回馈网络的物联网设备处理的服务调度模型,小型微型计算机系统,2017,38(1):24-28.
16.Jiuyun Xu, Xiao Ning, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Qiang Duan, Zibin Zheng. Run-Time Resolution of Service Property Conflicts in Web Service Composition. International Journal of Web and Grid Services. 2016. 12 (2):142-161(SCI索引)
17.XU Jiuyun, REIFF-MARGANIEC Stephan, HIAWSC: An Immune Algorithm Based Heuristic Web Service Composition Framework, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2014, Vol. 23 Issue (CJE-3): 579-585 (SCI索引)
21.Jiuyun Xu, Kun Chen, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec: Using Markov Decision Process Model with Logic Scoring of Preference Model to Optimize HTN Web Services Composition. International Journal of Web Service Research. 8(2): 53-73 (2011)(2010年SCI 索引影响因子1.05)
22.Jiuyun Xu, Chen Kun, Duan Youxiang, and Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Modeling business process of web services with an Extended STRIPS Operations to detection feature interaction problems runtime, Proceedings of the IEEE International conference on Web Services 2011,(录用率低于11%)
23.Kun Chen, Jiuyun Xu,Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Markov-HTN Planning Approach to Enhance Flexibility of Automatic Service Composition, Proceedings of International Conference on Web Services 2009, (录用率低于15.6%)
24.Huili Xuan, Jiuyun Xu, Web Services Feature Interaction Detection Based on Graph Transformation – A New Interaction Detection Method, In M. Nakamura and S. Reiff-Marganiec (eds.): Feature Interactions in Software and Communications Systems X. IOS Press (Amsterdam), May 2009.
25.Jiuyun Xu, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Towards Heuristic Web Services Composition Using Immune Algorithm, Proceedings of International Conference on Web Services, Oct. 2008 (录用率低于16%)
26.Pingli Gu, Jiuyun Xu, Changbao Li, Youxiang Duan, Towards mapping large scale ontologies based on RFCA with attribute reduction. In: Proceedings - 2008 IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2008, p 407-411, 2008
27.Jiuyun Xu, Pingli Gu, Changbao Li, Youxiang Duan, Enhancing rough set and formal context based ontology mapping method with attribute reduction. IN: 2008 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA08, v 1, p 385-388, 2008
28.Jiuyun Xu, Weichong Li, Using relational database to build OWL ontology from XML data sources. In: Proceedings - CIS Workshops 2007, 2007 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops, p 124-127, 2007
29.Jiuyun Xu, Changbao Li, and Youxiang Duan, A Web Services Composition With Well Structured In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2007), 24-27 August 2007 in Haikou, Hainan, China
32.Jiuyun Xu, Hongquan Wang, Youxiang Duan, Nianyun Shi, Automatically Bootstrapping OWL ontologies from Domain-Specific XML documents, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Volume 3, Number 3, 2007, pp. 1269-1276.(EI 索引)
33.Jiuyun XU, Hongquan WANG, Youxiang DUAN, Auto-Building OWL Ontology from XML Data Sources, Journal of Computational Information Systems, Volume 2, Number 3, 2006, p. 1051-1057. (EI 索引)
在下一代网络研究中,主要关注以SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)为信令协议的下一代网络通信中多媒体通信业务的管理和特征交互问题。发表文章:
1.Hui Wang,Jiuyun Xu,Shenke Yu , ConMoSIP:A Context-aware based SIP session mobility framework ,2012. July. 第十七届全国青年通信学术会议。
2.Xu Jiuyun, Wei Xiaoling, Fan Cunqun, Experiential learning-based feature interaction detection in IMS Proceedings - 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network and Multimedia Technology, IC-BNMT2010
3.Xu Jiuyun, Fan Cunqun, Wei Xiaoling, Session mobility based on compensation mechanism Proceedings - 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Broadband Network and Multimedia Technology, IC-BNMT2010。
4.Lixiang Wang, Jiuyun Xu, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Online Detection of Feature Interactions of CPL Services. In M. Nakamura and S. Reiff-Marganiec (eds.): Feature Interactions in Software and Communications Systems X. IOS Press (Amsterdam), May 2009.
5.Huili Xuan, Jiuyun Xu, Web Services Feature Interaction Detection Based on Graph Transformation – A New Interaction Detection Method, In M. Nakamura and S. Reiff-Marganiec (eds.): Feature Interactions in Software and Communications Systems X. IOS Press (Amsterdam), May 2009.
6.Jiuyun Xu, Fangchun Yang (2006), Toward Run-time Detecting and Resolving Service Interactions in Parlay-based Next Generation Intelligent Network, China Journal of Electronics. Vol. No. 4 April, pp.307-312.
7.徐九韵, 杨放春(2005), 特征交互动态检测的形式模型, 《电子学报(中)》第33卷,第10期, 2005年10月, 第1774-1777页.
8.徐九韵, 杨放春,邹华 (2004), 一种动态检测和解决下一代智能网中业务冲突的方法, 《通信学报》,第25卷第3期 2004年3月, 第126-133页.
9.Jiuyun Xu, Fangchun Yang (2006), Toward Run-time Detecting and Resolving Service Interactions in Parlay-based Next Generation Intelligent Network, China Journal of Electronics. Vol. No. 4 April, pp.307-312.
10.杨放春,徐九韵, 电信网中业务冲突的研究,北京邮电大学学报(自然科学版),第27卷,第1期,2004年1月,第1-7页;
11.Jiuyun Xu, Youxiang Duan, Fangchun Yang, SICR-An Approach to Detect Service Interactions in Parlay OSA, In: Proceedings of ICCT 2006.
12.Jiuyun Xu, Fangchun Yang,Service Interaction Management Using Service Intention consistency in Parlay/OSA, Workshop of Network and Information Security Key Project of Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing pp.476-481, 2004;
13.Jiuyun Xu, Fangchun Yang (2003), Enhancing NGN with Run-time Managing Service Interactions, Proceeding of SoftCom 2003
14.徐九韵, 杨放春,李凯,基于策略的业务冲突的研究与实现,第三届全国计算机大会,北京,第634-638页;
15.徐九韵,杨放春,郭乐深, 一种活锁类业务冲突的检测方法,第六届全国计算机应用联合学术会议,2002年10月,北京,第8-114—8-118页;
1.徐九韵,仝兆歧,向逐聪,王新民. 数据库汉语查询语言的分词研究与实现.《中文信息学报》,第12卷,第 4期,1998年第82-85页;