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[2] Sun, Yunlei. The Neural Network of One-Dimensional Convolution-An Example of the Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1.2019 (SCI二区)
[3] Sun, Yunlei, et al. Diagnosis and Analysis of Diabetic Retinopathy based on Electronic Health Records. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1. 2019. (SCI二区)
[4] Sun, Yunlei, Li, Yucong, et al.. Hyperparameter Importance Analysis based on N-RReliefF Algorithm. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control. 2019.(SCI四区)
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[7] Hong Liang, Yuan Gao, Yunlei, Sun(通信作者) , et al. CEP: calories estimation from food photos. International Journal of Computers and Applications. 1-9.2018. ( EI)
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[10] Yunlei Sun, Xiuquan Qiao, et al. A low-delay, light-weight publish/subscribe architecture for delay-sensitive IOT services, International Journal of Web Services Research. 2013, 10(3), pp: 62-83 (SCI四区)
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