1. Xun Wang, Ruibao Song, Junmin Xiao, Tong Li, and Xueqi Li. Accelerating k-Shape Time Series Clustering Algorithm Using GPU. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.(CCF A)
2. Xun Wang, Changnan Gao, Peifu Han, Xue Li, Wenqi Chen, Alfonso Rodríguez Patón, Shuang Wang and Pan Zheng*. PETrans: De Novo Drug Design with Protein-Specific Encoding Based on Transfer Learning. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.(SCI二区)
3. Xun Wang, Lulu Wang, Shuang Wang, Yongqi Ren, Wenqi Chen, Xue Li, Peifu Han, Tao Song*. QuantumTox: Utilizing Quantum Chemistry with Ensemble Learning for Molecular Toxicity Prediction. Computers in Biology and Medicine.(SCI二区)
4. Xun Wang, Chaogang Zhang, Lulu Wang and Pan Zheng*. Integrating Multiple Single-Cell RNA sequencing Datasets Using Adversarial Autoencoders. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.(SCI二区)
5. Tong Li, Xueqi Li∗, Yewen Li, Ruibao Song, and Xun Wang∗. Crescent:A GPU-based Targeted Nanopore Sequence Selector. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).(CCF B)
6. Peifu Han, Xue Li, Xun Wang*, Shuang Wang, Changnan Gao, Wenqi Chen. Exploring the Effects of Drug, disease, and protein dependencies on Biomedical Named Entity Recognition: A Comparative Analysis. Frontiers in Pharmacology.(SCI二区TOP)
7. Xudong Zhang, Gan Wang, Xiangyu Meng, Shuang Wang, Ying Zhang, Alfonso Rodriguez-Paton, Jianmin Wang*, Xun Wang*. Molormer: a lightweight self-attention-based method focused on spatial structure of molecular graph for drug-drug interactions prediction. Bioinformatics.(SCI一区)
8. Xun Wang, Hanlin Li, Pan Zheng*. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Ovarian Cancer Using a Multitask Model in Pelvic CT Images. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.(SCI二区)
9. Xun Wang*, Xudong Zhang, Gan Wang, Ying Zhang, Xin Shi, Huanhuan Dai, Min Liu, Zixuan Wang, and Xiangyu Meng. TransFusionNet: Semantic and Spatial Features Fusion Framework for Liver Tumor and Vessel Segmentation under JetsonTX2. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.(SCI一区TOP)
10. Xun Wang,Zhiyong Yu, Lisheng Wang, Pan Zheng*. An Enhanced Priori Knowledge GAN for CT Images Generation of Early Lung Nodules with Small-Size Labellled Samples. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity.(SCI二区)
11. Shanchen Pang, Ying Zhang, Tao Song, Xudong Zhang, Xun Wang and Alfonso Rodriguez-Patón. AMDE: a novel attention-mechanism-based multidimensional feature encoder for drug–drug interaction prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics.(SCI一区)
12. Xiangyu Meng, Xun Wang, Xudong Zhang, Chaogang Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Kuijie Zhang, Shudong Wang*. A Novel Attention-Mechanism Based Cox Survival Model by Exploiting Pan-Cancer Empirical Genomic Information. Cells.(SCI二区)
13. Yukun Dong *, Yuxue Sun and Xun Wang. Automatic Repair Method for Null Pointer Dereferences Guided by Program Dependency Graph. Symmetry.(SCI二区)
14. Xun Wang, Lisheng Wang, Pan Zheng*. SC-Dynamic R-CNN: A Self-Calibrated Dynamic R-CNN Model for Lung Cancer Lesion Detection. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.(SCI四区)
15. Xun Wang, Lisheng Wang, Jianjun Yang*, Xiaoya Feng. Accurate 3D Reconstruction of White Matter Hyperintensities Based on Attention-Unet. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.(SCI四区)
16. Xun Wang *, Zhiyuan Zhang, Chaogang Zhang, Xiangyu Meng, Xin Shi, Peng Qu. TransPhos: A Deep-Learning Model for General Phosphorylation Site Prediction Based on Transformer-Encoder Architecture. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.(SCI二区)
17. Xun Wang, Jiali Liu, Chaogang Zhang, Shudong Wang*. SSGraphCPI: A Novel Model for Predicting Compound-Protein Interactions Based on Deep Learning. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.(SCI二区)
18. Xun Wang, Chaogang Zhang, Ying Zhang, Xiangyu Meng, Zhiyuan Zhang, Xin Shi, Tao Song*. IMGG: Integrating Multiple Single-Cell Datasets Through Connected Graphs and Generative Adversarial Networks. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.(SCI二区)
19. Tao Song, Gan Wang, Mao Ding*, AlfonsoRodriguez-Paton, Xun Wang*, ShudongWang. Network-Based Approaches for Drug Repositioning. Molecular Informatics.(SCI二区)
20. Xun Wang*, Yue Zhong, Mao Ding*. Repositioning Drugs to the Mitochondrial Fusion Protein 2 by Three-tunnel Deep Neural Network for Alzheimer's Disease. Genetics.(SCI三区)
21. Xiangyu Meng, Xin Li *, Xun Wang*. A Computationally Virtual Histological Staining Method to Ovarian Cancer Tissue by Deep Generative Adversarial Networks. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.(SCI四区)
22. Xun Wang, Hanlin Li, Lisheng Wang, Yongzhi Yu, Hao Zhou, Lei Wang, Tao Song*. An Improved YOLOv3 Model for Detecting Location Information of Ovarian Cancer from CT Images. Intelligent Data Analysis.(SCI四区)
23. Xun Wang, Fuyu Wang, Xinzeng Wang*, Sibo Qiao, Yu Zhuang. DEMLP: DeepWalk Embedding in MLP for miRNA-Disease Association Prediction. Journal of Sensors.(SCI四区)
24. Xun Wang, Dayan Liu, Jinfu Zhu*, Alfonso Rodriguez-Paton, Tao Song*. CSConv2d: A 2-D Structural Convolution Neural Network with a Channel and Spatial Attention Mechanism for Protein-ligand Binding Affinity Prediction. Biomolecules.(SCI二区)
25. Shudong Wang, Liyuan Dong, Xun Wang* and Xingguang Wang*. Classification of Pathological Types of Lung Cancer from CT Images by Deep Residual Neural Networks with Transfer Learning Strategy. Open Medicine.(SCI四区)
26. Shanchen Pang, Min Wang, Sibo Qiao, Xun Wang*, Hongqi Chen. Fault Diagnosis for Service Composition by Spiking Neural P Systems with Colored Spikes. Chinese Journal of Electronics.(SCI四区)
27. Shanchen Pang, Shuo Wang, Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón, Pibao Li*, Xun Wang*. An Artificial Intelligent Diagnostic System on Mobile Android Terminals for Cholelithiasis by Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network. Plos One.(SCI三区)
28. Shanchen Pang, Jiamin Yao, Xun Wang*, Tong Ding, Li Zhang. Transmission Control of MPTCP Incast Based on Buffer Balance Factor Allocation in Data Center Networks. IEEE Access.(SCI三区)
29. Tao Song, Fan Meng, Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón, Pibao Li, Pan Zheng, Xun Wang*. U-Next: A Novel Convolution Neural Network With an Aggregation U-Net Architecture for Gallstone Segmentation in CT Images. IEEE Access.(SCI三区)
30. Xin Li, Xun Wang, Hong Li, Xiaolong Shi, Pan Zheng. A Programming 20-30nm Rectangular DNA Origami for Loading Doxorubicin to Penetrate Ovarian Cancer Cells. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience.(SCI三区)
31. Shanchen Pang, Tong Ding, Sibo Qiao, Fan Meng, Shuo Wang, Pibao Li, Xun Wang*. A Novel YOLOv3-arch Model for Identifying Cholelithiasis and Classifying Gallstones on CT Images. Plos One.(SCI三区)
32. S Pang, S Wang, T Song, X Wang, P Zheng. Special Issue on Service-Oriented Computing. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing.(SCI二区)
33. Tongmao Ma, Shaohua Hao, Xun Wang*, Alfonso Alfonso Rodríguez-Patón, Shudong Wang, Tao Song*. Double Layers Self-organized Spiking Neural P Systems with Anti-spikes for Fingerprint Recognition. IEEE Access.(SCI三区)
34. Xun Wang, Shudong Wang, Tao Song*. A Spectral Rotation Method with Triplet Periodicity Property for Planted Motif Finding Problems. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening.(SCI四区)
35. Xun Wang, Pan Zheng, Tongmao Ma, Tao Song*. Small Universal Bacteria and Plasmid Computing Systems. Molecules.(SCI二区TOP)
36. Xun Wang, Beibei Sun, Boyang Liu, Yaping Fu*, Pan Zheng*. A Novel Method for Multifactorial Bio-chemical Experiments Design Based on Combinational Design Theory. Plos one.(SCI三区)
37. Xiangxiang Zeng, Li Liu, Stephen Leung, Jiangze Du, Xun Wang*, Tao Li*. A Decision Support Model for Investment on P2P Lending Platform. Plos one.(SCI三区)
38. Zhihua Chen, Pan Zhang, Xun Wang*, Xiaolong Shi, Tingfang Wu, Pan Zheng. A Computational Approach for Nuclear Export Signals Identification using Spiking Neural Neural P Systems. Neural Computing and Applications.(SCI二区)
39. Zhangxiao Li, Lei Zhang, Yansen Su, Jun Li, Xun Wang*. A Skin Membrane-driven Membrane Algorithm for Many-objective Optimization. Neural Computing and Applications.(SCI二区)
40. Tao Song, Pan Zheng, M.L. Dennis Wong, Xun Wang*. Design of Logic Gates Using Spiking Neural P Systems with Homogeneous Neurons and Astrocytes-like Control. Information Science.(SCI一区TOP)
41. Wu Tingfang, Wang Xun, Zheng Zhang, Faming Gong, Tao Song*, Zhihua Chen, Pan Zhang, Yang Zhao. NES-REBS: A Novel Nuclear Export Signal Prediction Method using Regular Expressions and Biochemical Properties. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.(SCI四区)
42. Xun Wang, Tao Song*, Faming Gong, Pan Zheng. On the Computational Power of Spiking Neural P Systems with Self-organization. Scientific reports.(SCI三区)
43. Zhongwei Li, Beibei Sun, Yuezhen Xin, Xun Wang, Hu Zhu*. A Computational Method for Optimizing Experimental Environments for Phellinus igniarius via Genetic Algorithm and BP Neural Network. Biomed Research International.(SCI三区)
44. Li Zhongwei, Xin Yuezhen, Wang Xun, Sun Beibei, Xia Shengyu, Li Hui, Zhu Hu*. Optimization to the Culture Conditions for Phellinus Production with Regression Analysis and Gene-set Based Genetic Algorithm. BioMed Research International.(SCI三区)
45. Xin Li, Xun Wang, Tao Song*, Wei Lu, Zhihua Chen, Xiaolong Shi. A Novel Computational Method to Reduce Leaky Reaction in DNA Strand Displacement. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry.(SCI四区)
46. Tao Song, Xun Wang*. Homogeneous Spiking Neural P Systems with Inhibitory Synapses. Neural Processing Letter.(SCI三区)
47. Xun Wang*, Ying Miao, Minquan Cheng. Finding Motifs in DNA Sequences Using Low-dispersion Sequences. Journal of Computational Biology.(SCI四区)
48. Tao Song, Xun Wang*. Homogenous Spiking Neural P Systems with Anti-spikes. Neural Computing and Applications.(SCI二区)
49. Xun Wang*, Ying Miao. GAEM: A Hybrid Algorithm Incorporating GA with EM for Planted Edited Motif Finding Problem. Current Bioinformatics.(SCI三区)
50. Xun Wang, Dianhua Wu*, Minquan Cheng. The Existence of (q, k, λ, t)-ADFs for k=4, 5, 6. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.(SCI四区)
51. Xun Wang, Dianhua Wu*. The Existence of Almost Difference Families. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.(SCI四区)
52. Dayan Liu, Xun Wang*, Zhenzhen Du, Jiali Liu, Yue Zhong, Qingyu Tian. The binding affinity prediction of PI3K / Akt / mTOR signaling pathway proteins with drugs based on deep learning method. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine.(CCF B)